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伊利诺伊大学基于网络的保留和建议工具为学生的毕业之路提供了有效的指导和支持. Login to SlateConnect.

Office of the Registrar

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 119

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
Moscow, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731
Fax: 208-885-9061

Semester Withdrawal

Prior to Semester

一个学期无法参加课程或决定不参加365滚球官网的学生必须在学期的第一天之前取消课程以避免学费, fees, 还有一份退课成绩单. 学生可以通过VandalWeb,联系注册办公室,或 request cancellation online. 如果这是学生在365滚球官网的第一学期, their admission will be cancelled. 如果学生计划住在大学宿舍,他们应该记得联系住房和居住生活部门取消住房合同.

After the Semester Begins

学期开始后无法完成课程的学生可以通过VandalWeb退课. 鼓励学生发言:

  • Dean of Students Office从365滚球官网退学是一大步. 如果你想和别人讨论一下这个决定, 如果你决定留在伊利诺伊大学,学生办公室的一名成员将很乐意与你一起访问校园,了解你可能获得的资源,或者如果你决定在这个时候退学是最好的选择,他会帮助你规划回到365滚球官网的道路. Call 208-885-6757 or email
  • Academic Advisor 检讨学位进度及完成计划.
  • Financial Aid 检查状态并确定是否需要还款.
  • Student Accounts按照退学规定退学的学生有权根据学校的规定退还学杂费 refund policy.  退款是根据总学杂费计算的. 退款以正式退费日期为准, 这被认为是学生在汪达尔网上放弃最后一节课的日期. 根据法律规定,适用的联邦第四章财政援助资金将退还给教育部. 伊利诺伊大学关于奖学金和机构援助的政策和协议也将适用.
  • University Housing学生宿舍或公寓和家庭住房社区谁退出365滚球官网必须腾出他们的房间或公寓 72 hours of the date of withdrawal. 学生将没收他们的住房押金,并且根据提取日期可能没有资格获得学期费用的任何退款. 学生必须在退出大学后立即联系住房和居住生活部门,完成所需的退房文件,电话:208-885-6571或; or visit their office on the second floor of Wallace Residence Center.
  • Visit the Counseling and Mental Health Center 如果你在个人问题上需要帮助.



Withdraw deadlines are as follows:

Through 10th day of semester

Drop all classes on VandalWeb. No classes or grades transcripted. Tuition and fees are refunded at 100%; financial aid is recalculated based on date withdrawal completed. 学生可以在学期的第六天联系注册办公室申请重新注册后在VandalWeb上重新注册课程.


Withdraw all classes on VandalWeb. 班级及WU成绩(退学)成绩单. WU成绩不计入GPA或影响学术地位, 它们也不计入21个信用额度. No refund of tuition and fees; financial aid is recalculated based on date withdrawal completed.


学生必须通过学术主任办公室向学术请愿委员会申请迟退. 班级及WU成绩(退学)成绩单. WU成绩不计入GPA或影响学术地位, 它们也不计入21个信用额度.

Hardship Withdrawal

Hardship withdrawals are processed through the Office of the Dean of Students.

困难退学适用于退出所有课程的学生. 如果您希望退出所选课程,您必须在VandalWeb中完成该操作 prior to the deadline or contact your college dean's office 如果截止日期已过,完成学术请愿书.

Active Military Duty

被征召服现役的学生应参阅 Guidelines for Military Leave and contact the Office of Veteran's Affairs 为他们的退学程序提供帮助,帮助他们从大学过渡,帮助他们在军事休假结束后返回学校.

Office of the Registrar

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
Room 119

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr MS 4260
Moscow, ID 83844-4260
Phone: 208-885-6731
Fax: 208-885-9061