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PACE peer mentors provide mentees with information about services offered through University of Idaho and encourage students to utilize these services. 通过他们的工作, mentors are also models of academic responsibility, community involvement and multicultural communication.


As a member of a multicultural team, the peer mentor is responsible for assisting multicultural students in adjusting academically and socially to the U of I environment. Peer mentors provide students with information about services offered through U of I and encourage students to utilize these services.

通过他们的工作 PACE peer mentors are also models of academic responsibility, community involvement and multicultural communication.

  • Sophomore, junior or senior class standing by credits
  • 最少2人.5平均绩点
  • Complete and turn in application, including an outline of availability for meetings, photo and updated bio for website.

Develop and Nurture a Mentor/Mentee Relationship

  • Support mentees in developing healthy relationships with their peers, staff and faculty and the campus community as a whole
  • Provide information on extra-curricular activities, academic services and other opportunities and services available on campus or in the community of Moscow
  • Encourage mentees to become engaged citizens of University of Idaho and their hometowns and communities
  • Accomplish goals of the Office of Multicultural Affairs:
    • Strengthen the multicultural community at University of Idaho and encourage individual cultural exploration
    • Increase awareness at University of Idaho about the unique needs and issues of the multicultural community and help find solutions to any problems
    • Participate in social activities with the Office of Multicultural Affairs
    • Be actively involved in the multicultural student community
    • Promote the Office of Multicultural Affairs on University of Idaho campus through participation in non-multicultural oriented activities, leadership opportunities and personal conduct

Meet Regular Requirements

  • Attend peer mentor orientation prior to start of fall semester
  • Attend monthly meetings and other training as assigned
  • Attend and help plan monthly PACE events
  • Complete bi-weekly mentee contact logs
  • Attend EDU Welcome Back BBQ
  • Participate in outreach events

  • 领导 development
  • Valuable experience and useful skills
  • Mentoring and leadership training
  • Opportunity to positively influence the college experience of another student
  • Opportunity to act as an ambassador for diversity and promote multicultural awareness


Fill out the following form to apply. An OMA representative will contact you once your application has been received.

应用 by Tuesday, July 23, 2024 for first consideration.


Meet our models of academic responsibility, community and multicultural communications.



教学 & Learning Center Room 230

875周界博士. MS 2439
Moscow, ID 83844-2439



