

汪达尔人投票 is a University of Idaho program that promotes student civic engagement. Through the 汪达尔人投票 program, students are able to register to vote, learn about representatives who are running for office, vote in local and national elections, and stream signature political events at campus venues. Event programming includes Party to the Polls, 候选人论坛, 及选民登记日, and on-going voter registration.



访问 我可以投票吗? and select “voter registration status.“然后,选择你的州. You’ll be taken to a page on your state’s website where you can check to see if you’re registered.

Remember to check your registration information before your state’s deadline to register to vote. That could be up to 30 days before the election. This gives you time if you need to re-register or make changes. Keep in mind that some states conduct occasional voter “purging” if you are not an active voter, so it’s important to make sure you are still registered to vote.

Idaho offers online, mail-in, and in-person voter registration. Students may register to vote any time throughout the year and are strongly encouraged to use Turbovote. TurboVote makes registering to vote easy by leading students through the registration process on their online platform. It will help you start the absentee/mail-in ballot request process, 向你发送选举提醒, 和更多的. You may even use Turbovote if you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot for elections outside of the state of Idaho We recommend registering before the election deadline to avoid long wait lines. 


  • Downloading an Idaho registration form and mailing it in to your county clerk’s office. 在这里下载.
  • Registering in person during early voting (be sure to provide ID and proof of residence). 
  • Registering in person at your polling location on election day (be sure to provide ID and proof of residence).

What do you need to register to vote:

为了登记投票, registrants must provide proof of residence accompanied by a picture identification card.

  • 有效身份证明表格:
    • An Idaho driver’s license or identification card.
    • A U.S. passport or Federal photo identification card.
    • All federal photo identification cards are acceptable including military ID’s from active duty and retired service personnel.
    • A tribal photo identification card.
    • A current student photo ID, issued by an Idaho high school or post secondary educational institution.
      • An ID listed above is acceptable if the photo matches the person and the name on the ID matches the name listed in the poll book. Common abbreviations and nicknames are acceptable. However, a name change requires the voter to re-register.
      • The address on your ID does not have to match the address on your proof of residence. 
  • Valid Forms of Proof of Residence:
    • 当前的水电费账单, 银行对账单, 政府检查, 薪水, 政府文件, or proof of residence form from the U of I Housing and Residence Life Office (if you live in an on-campus residence hall) that shows your name and address.

Any registered person in Idaho can request an absentee ballot, no special circumstances are necessary. 为此,提交一份 缺席选票申请表格.*

You will receive the absentee ballot and instructions on how to complete the ballot 45 days before the election depending on when the request is submitted.

Return in person to an election official or mail (postmarked) to 拉塔县书记处.

If you wish to have an absentee ballot mailed to you, the request must be received by the county clerk’s office by the 11th day prior to the election. You can still cast an absentee ballot in person at the absent elector’s polling place (usually the county clerk’s office) up until 5 p.m. 选举前的那个星期五.

*If you are or are planning to register in your home county which is outside of the state of Idaho, 你可以使用 Turbovote to request your absentee ballot. Please be sure to check your home state's election deadlines to be sure that you submit your ballot on time. 

Idaho Student Union Building Room 302




电子邮件: asui@020sashuiche.com

网络: ASUI
