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The interview is a critical element of the admissions process for many health professional programs, providing the program and applicant with the ability to determine if they are a "good fit" for each other. Applicants are strongly encouraged to prepare in advance by attending workshops, 和朋友/家人/导师一起练习, and scheduling a personalized 模拟面试 with the 学前健康专业课程. 在校学生和校友可以 安排一次模拟面试 与学前健康专业顾问 relative to their pre-health interests.


You may meet with a single interviewer for 30-60 minutes, then with the next interviewer.

你可能会面对两到四个面试官.  该小组可以由招生委员会成员组成, 教师, 卫生专业人员, 校友, 和/或项目在校生.

这种格式通常由七到十个电台组成. 在每个站点,学生都有有限的时间(e.g. 两分钟)阅读提示,然后是有限的时间(如.g. 6到7分钟)回应.  The prompts are commonly scenario-based and are generally not complex/not requiring medical knowledge. 

有些学校会同时面试一小部分申请者. 在小组会议期间, interviewers may present the applicants with a hypothetical problem and require them to work together towards a solution.

Interviewers in an open-file interview have reviewed your file including grades, 入学考试成绩, 申请论文, 推荐信, 等.

在闭门采访中, the interviewer has either seen nothing in your file or just your personal statement (or an essay in your secondary application). The point of the closed-file interview is to remove any bias that might exist in your file and address how you come across to someone who does not know you. 无论哪种情况, be very sure you can discuss any and all comments you made in your initial and secondary 申请论文.


  • 你是《365滚球官网》杂志的编辑,现在是12月. Who’s going to be your person of the year and on the cover of Time magazine? 为什么是那个人? 
  • 什么是单峰骆驼? 骆驼和单峰骆驼有什么区别?
  • 用语言描述(不要用手)如何系鞋带.
  • If you had all the money in the world to put towards resolving an issue with the healthcare system, 你会解决什么问题? 如何?
  • If you could bring one person back from the dead and have them over for dinner…who would it be, 你会为他们提供什么?

  • 说说你自己吧.
  • 你最大的缺点是什么?  你一生中最大的错误是什么? 
  • 你的朋友会用什么词来形容你?
  • 你有什么样的领导才能?
  • 你如何解决工作/家庭/学校中的冲突?
  • 你接触过多少其他文化啊?
  • 你在医疗服务提供者身上寻找什么样的品质? 你能举一个(医生/牙医/药剂师等)的例子吗.),他体现了这些理想? 他们是怎么做到的? 
  • 告诉我你的成绩/MCAT/DAT/PCAT/GRE成绩. 你第二次参加考试的分数下降了___分. 有什么原因吗?? 
  • 成为专业人士意味着什么?
  • 一般来说,是什么让你对医学/医疗保健感到兴奋? 
  • 你在学习成绩上有什么缺点吗? 如果有,它们是什么,为什么会发生?

  • 你正在开会. 在同事和其他部门的经理面前, 你的经理因为你工作做得不好而责备你. 你认为经理的批评是不公平的, and that he might have come to this conclusion hastily without knowing all the information. 你觉得自己在同事面前受到了不公平的对待, and are concerned that your reputation may be affected by this critique. 在这种情况下你会怎么做?
  • 如何 would you attempt to make changes in the process if you felt a policy at your organization/educational institution was hurting its employees/students?
  • 你不同意上司处理问题的方式. 你会怎么做??你为什么选择以那种方式处理这种情况?
  • 担任团队领导的角色, you discover that a team member has gone "over your head" to propose an idea or complain about an issue without talking to you first. 你是如何处理这种情况的?

  • 告诉我们你犯错误的一次.
  • 说说你违反规定的一次经历.
  • 告诉我们一个你必须向某人传达坏消息的例子.


  • Before the interview, review your application and any essays that you transmitted to that program. Be prepared to discuss any problems with your application such as a low 入学考试成绩, 一个班级的低分, 或者考试成绩和成绩不一致. 知道自己犯了什么错误,从这些错误中学到了什么.
  • Tour the campus ahead of time and know exactly where your interview will take place.
  • 不要低估合适的面试着装的重要性.
  • 练习,练习,再练习. 练习大声说出答案是很重要的. Many students find it helpful to use flash cards with the question on one side of the card and key points you want to make outlined on the other.
  • 时间表 a 模拟面试 与学前健康专业顾问. 安排模拟面试时, please indicate this as the reason for requesting a meeting and include any relevant documents you submitted with your application to the schools with whom you are interviewing.

  • 做好紧张的准备. If you are taking the interview seriously, you will be somewhat nervous and anxious – that’s normal. Keep in mind that everyone else is nervous and that the interviewers take that into consideration.
  • If you are asked a question to which you do not know the answer, admit it. 不要试图用虚张声势的方式解决问题.
  • 面试官并不期望你对所有事情都了如指掌. They are primarily trying to gauge your thought process and how you respond under pressure and when faced with an unfamiliar circumstance.
  • 如果你在回答的过程中开始“脱轨”, 停止, 承认你已经偏离了轨道, 然后让自己回到正轨. 这显示了自我意识, and is much better than continuing to power through and hoping that the interviewer(s) did not notice
  • 眼神交流,面对面试官,不要坐立不安.
  • 带一个记事本/文件夹是个好主意, 但一般来说,记下大量的笔记不是一个好主意.


  • The interviewer may not have taken the time to go through your file (or may not have had access to your file), 所以不要说, “就像我的申请表上写的……” 
  • 如果你不明白这个问题,要求对方澄清. 被问到一个完全出乎意料的问题时, 许多学生开始回答问题,很快就开始胡言乱语. 说话前先暂停一下,整理一下思路. 
  • There is a set of questions to which you will want to have an organized, logical answer:
    • 你为什么想成为一名教师...? 
    • 你为什么要申请这所学校? 
    • Considering the large number of highly qualified and impressive students applying to our program, 我们为什么要选择你?
    • 你有什么问题要问我们或对我们的节目有什么问题吗? (Note: Make sure your questions are genuine and not easily answered by a quick web search)
    • 如果不承认这个循环,你会怎么做? 你的B计划是什么?
    • 你认为自己在5年或10年内会做什么? 
    • Is there anything that we have not discussed that we should know about you? 你有什么想让我们知道的吗? 

  • Reflect on what you were able to learn about the program and whether you still think it could be a good fit for you.
  • 如果学校表示这样做是合适的, 你可能希望发送手写的感谢信. 
  • If the school has indicated that it is appropriate to do so, send updates (academic, experience, 等.)与你的申请相关,这样他们就可以在你的文件中注明.







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