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Workspaces empower our University of Idaho creative 团队s and Industry Partners to collect assets from various areas of the 媒体库 to share, 评论, and approve assets all in one place and in real time — without ever leaving PhotoShelter. Users can gather assets from different galleries and add them to a Workspace, 然后邀请其他用户使用这些资产. 

访问 & 创建工作空间

University of Idaho faculty and staff can create and add images to a new Workspace for collaboration or access and add images to Workspaces shared with you.


  • 登录UCM媒体库门户网站.
  • 单击Portal导航栏中的“工作区”.
  • 要创建一个新的工作区,请单击“新建工作区”."
  • 在出现的窗口中,命名您的工作区. 我们建议名称以您的用户名或部门名称开头, 然后是对你的项目的简短描述. 也鼓励更长的描述. 完成后,单击“创建”.”
  • Now you are ready to add images and share the workspace for collaboration.
  • 在你邀请其他人合作之前, you will to need to request permissions from the UCM Digital Asset Manager for the proper permissions.
  • From within the Workspace find and click on the gold circle in the upper right corner.
  • 现在您将看到您的权限状态.
  • 要请求其他权限,请单击“请求权限”.
  • Select “Allow me to invite” and any other permissions you require for this project.

Note: All University of Idaho users can upload assets from the media library to a Workspace. The “Allow me (users) to upload” permission allows the user to upload media files from their computer that are not in the 媒体库 to the workspace for collaboration. See “上传新文件到工作区” in the “在工作空间中协作” section below.

  • 准备好后,单击Request Permissions. 审批通过后,会给您发邮件.
  • 工作空间现在可以邀请用户进行协作了.


  • 登录UCM媒体库门户网站.
  • 单击Portal导航栏中的“工作区”.


  • 单击展开左侧窗格中的“与我共享”选项卡.
  • 从可用的选项中选择一个工作区.


Files can be added to a Workspace in batch or individually from both the Invited Galleries view and from the Portal Search results page. 选择文件时, use the "Add to Workspace" icon pictured below to add a file or file(s) to a Workspace.


  • 单击文件缩略图以查看单个文件.
  • 使用Portal页脚中的Quick Actions工具栏, 选择“添加到工作区”图标,将文件添加到工作区.
  • 选择一个已经存在的工作区,或者创建一个新的工作区,然后点击“Add”."


  • 点击Portal页脚中的“选择”图标. 
  • 使用图像缩略图上的Select图标选择单个图像. 
    • 提示: 将“邀请图库”中的所有文件添加到工作区, use the Quick Actions toolbar in the Portal footer to "Select All" You may also use the Shift + Click shortcut to select multiple items in a group.
  • Once your selections are made, click "Add to Workspace" in the Quick Actions toolbar.
  • 选择一个已经存在的工作区,或者创建一个新的工作区,然后点击“Add”."


一旦文件被添加到工作区, 用户可以对这些文件执行许多操作.


Approvals enable you to collect feedback from your 团队 in real time so you can easily curate the best assets for your workflow. 图书馆职员或任何获“批准”的受邀用户 & “Comments”权限可以审批文件. 

在工作区视图中, hover over an asset and click the thumbs-up icon to approve it—click it again to remove approval.


Library 工作人员 and any user who has been granted download permission can download individual files and batches of files directly from a Workspace to save locally.

  • 在工作区视图中, click the download icon in the footer to download all assets in the Workspace.
  • To download a single file, click the file thumbnail and click the download icon in the footer.
  • 选择文件格式和文件大小,然后单击“下载”.
  • Use the same icons in the Quick Actions toolbar when working in batch mode.


注释使您能够在工作区中主持实时对话. Comments are always related to a file so your 团队 can get specific with their feedback, 喜欢, 不喜欢任何一项资产. 图书馆员工和任何有“批准”的用户 & “评论”权限可以对工作区中的资产留下评论.

  • 在工作区视图中, you can see which assets have comments with the message icon beneath the asset.
  • 单击资产以进入Single-File视图, 然后点击右侧的“评论”选项卡查看或留下评论. 


以及UCM媒体库中的文件, collaborators from outside your organization can be invited to upload assets directly to a Workspace so all of your project files are in one place. Library 工作人员 or any user with “Upload” permission can upload to a Workspace.

  • 在工作区中查看资产时, click the upload button in the footer to bring up the Workspaces uploader.
  • You can drag files directly from your desktop into the upload window or click “Select Files” to choose files from your computer.
  • 如果需要, you can apply Custom Filters to the files in your upload by selecting a filter from the drop-down in the top left.


Custom Filters empower users to organize files in Workspaces by marketing channel, 运动, 项目状态, 团队, 或者部门——无论你的团队需要什么来完成这项工作. 任何有权访问工作区的用户都可以创建新的自定义过滤器, 添加文件到自定义过滤器, 并使用自定义过滤器来缩小工作区中的视图.

  • 在工作区视图中, you can create a new Custom Filter by opening the “Custom Filters” tab on the left and clicking the “New Custom Filter” button.
  • 一旦你为你的工作流需求创建了自定义过滤器, you can add a single file to a Custom Filter by hovering over its thumbnail in the Workspace view and clicking the “Add to Custom Filter” button.
  • 需要重命名自定义过滤器? 在工作区视图中, open the “Custom Filters” tab and hover over the filter name on the left. 单击记事本和铅笔图标来编辑自定义过滤器名称.
  • You can add a batch of files to a Custom Filter by selecting images while in the gallery view. Once your selections are made, click "Add to a Custom Filter icon" in the Quick Actions toolbar.
  • In the Add/Remove from Custom Filters dialog, pick the custom filter or filters then click done. 或者,您可以通过单击Create new and add来添加一个新的自定义过滤器.
  • The “Approved by” filter enables you to view the assets that have been approved by a specific user or a specific group of users. Just open the “Approved by” tab on the left and check the boxes next to each username to filter your Workspace and view the assets those users have approved.
  • 您还可以检查自定义过滤器和审批者. 为此,选择一个或多个自定义过滤器.
  • 选择审批人.
  • 在上面的场景中, we only see the image in the Custom Filter “Portrait” and images “approved” by the user Joe.




电子邮件: medialibrary@020sashuiche.com