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Eric Studebaker

Eric Studebaker, Ph.D., is the director of Project ECHO Idaho (ECHO Idaho). He has more than 20 years of experience in public service, nonprofit, 以教育为重点的组织,已经写了并收到了超过1200万美元的联邦资金, state and community-based behavioral health grants. Among many professional accomplishments, 埃里克建立了第一个全州范围的学校护士顾问项目,以帮助支持爱达荷州K-12学校的护士,并在爱达荷州教育部设立了第一个全职州雇员职位,专门负责青少年自杀预防. Outside of work, Eric loves being a husband and father to three amazing children. 大多数晚上,他会在厨房里和孩子们一起烹饪新食谱,或者尝试新的餐馆和食物.

Eric Studebaker



Amy Fackler

Amy is the grants and contracts manager for ECHO Idaho. 她的专业经验包括担任博伊西市的拨款经理, Department of Arts & History as well as positions focused on medical and technical writing.

她在华盛顿大学获得英语和人类学学士学位,并在俄勒冈州立大学获得跨学科研究(博物馆研究)硕士学位. She loves the Pacific Northwest where she has spent her life, residing in 10 different cities and towns in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Amy enjoys adventuring in the Boise foothills and exploring new trails and terrain, learning history, attending arts and cultural events, reading and spending time with friends and family.

Amy Fackler

Grants and Contracts Manager

Amy Fackler

Jocelyn Elvira

Jocelyn is a program manager at ECHO Idaho. She began her career at University of Idaho in 2015 as an intern, 后来晋升为365滚球官网推广项目的营养讲师和项目协调员, Eat Smart Idaho. In these positions, she served low-resource individuals and families across eight counties, focusing on nutrition, physical activity, food safety, and food resource management. 她搬到ECHO爱达荷州使她能够进一步致力于整个州的社区卫生公平.

Jocelyn持有365滚球官网理学学士学位和乔治华盛顿大学米尔肯公共卫生研究所公共卫生硕士学位. Outside the office, she enjoys exploring new foods and recipes, reading, and spending time with her family and corgi pup.

Jocelyn Elvira

Program Manager


Shannon McDowell

Shannon is a program manager for ECHO Idaho. 香农的工作背景包括为历史上服务不足的人群提供营养和园艺教育, 在加州北部中央山谷促进农场到学校的项目,并教授一系列高中科学课程. 她拥有佛蒙特大学营养学学士学位和博伊西州立大学公共卫生硕士学位.

In addition to her role with ECHO Idaho, 香农与爱达荷州“为美国而教”组织合作,在那里她指导整个宝藏谷的新教师,确保他们不仅准备好进入教室,而且在他们两年的承诺中,他们也得到持续的支持,为他们的学生提供有意义和全面的教育.

In her free time, Shannon loves to explore the outdoors. 你通常会发现她在博伊西山麓的某个地方跑步、骑自行车或滑雪. 

Shannon McDowell

Program Manager

Shannon McDowell

Lynsey Winters Juel

Lynsey is a program manager for ECHO Idaho. Lynsey的专业背景包括领导全州范围内的倡议,促进健康公平,并寻求创新的解决方案,以增加在爱达荷州获得高质量医疗保健的机会. As Program Director of Honoring Choices Idaho, Lynsey领导了全州范围内的努力,以促进和规范以人为本的提前护理计划. Lynsey在威拉米特大学获得人类学学士学位,在博伊西州立大学获得公共管理硕士学位.

In her free time, Lynsey和她的家人在山上漫步,参观她最喜欢的越橘园. Lynsey和她的配偶都在爱达荷州长大,并有意选择在爱达荷州抚养孩子, surrounded by a large, multigenerational family. With a love for the state, Lynsey is committed to continuing to learn more about Idaho and seek new adventures.

Lynsey Winters Juel

Program Manager


Laura Jackson

Laura is the continuing education program manager for ECHO Idaho. Prior to joining the ECHO team, 她曾在位于默里迪恩的爱达荷州骨科医学院的教务处工作, 她在哪里管理信息系统涉及提供课程,并与教职员工合作,协调课程和项目的学习目标. Throughout her career Laura has striven to improve processes, procedures and information systems to meet the changing needs of students, educators and her co-workers. 劳拉拥有东卡罗莱纳大学时尚营销学士学位. In 2006 she relocated to Boise to be closer to relatives. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢露营,滑雪和徒步旅行与她的家人和他们的非常精力充沛的狗.

Laura Jackson

Continuing Education Program Manager

Laura Jackson

Francis Latorre

Francis is a program coordinator for ECHO Idaho. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Francis’ comes from a variety of professional industries in customer service, billing, training, analytics, and team development.

Rooted in Sacramento, California, Francis moved to Treasure Valley in 2021 to stay close with his family. Outside of work, he finds joy in running, playing sports, listening to music, watching movies, and eating candy (he has a big sweet tooth). 他喜欢寻找新的爱好,目前有兴趣学习如何跳舞和弹贝斯吉他!


Francis Latorre

Program Coordinator

Francis Latorre

Hong-Yen Chau

Hong-Yen is a Program Coordinator for ECHO Idaho. Hong-Yen’s background is in education and providing access to health care. Hong-Yen led a medical mission trip with Global Medical Brigades to Honduras, 她从哪里了解到诊所的结构和学生主导任务的概念. Learning from the experience, 她于2009年创立了越南健康诊所,将学生和医疗保健专业人员带到越南北部和南部服务不足的人群中. Hong-Yen之前曾在Renton学区的GEAR UP大学准备计划工作,为学生进入并成功接受高等教育做好准备.

Hong-Yen graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Washington. 她在西雅图长大,后来搬到博伊西,与家人住得更近,并享受了几个月的阳光. Hong-Yen loves traveling, photography and coaching volleyball.

Hong-Yen Chau

Program Coordinator

Hong-Yen Chau


Kim Van Eyck

Kim Van Eyck is a program coordinator for Project Echo. Kim最近在斯坦福医疗保健公司工作,担任健康公平研究部主任. Her research portfolio includes studies of the history of race in medicine, international nurse migration, wearable medical devices, bedside technologies and the non-medical needs of senior patients and caregivers.

Kim began her career as an elementary and special education teacher in the US, Colombia and Singapore. 她的学术训练包括俄勒冈大学教育学学士学位和应用行为分析硕士学位,以及华盛顿大学人文地理学博士学位. After completing her doctoral studies, 她为日内瓦的国际劳工组织和加州的凯撒医疗机构进行研究. 金墉与南美的工会成员和妇女发展组织密切合作, Africa, Europe and Southeast Asia.

Kim loves to take long walks, garden and attend outdoor concerts, farmers’ markets and community events with family and friends. She currently volunteers for the Agency for New Americans, a refugee assistance organization in Boise.

Kim Van Eyck

Program Coordinator

Kim Van Eyck

Contact Project ECHO

Physical Address:

Idaho Water Center
322 E. Front Street, Ste. 450
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-4072

Fax: 208-364-3178
