



Join the National Merit Scholars and 大学荣誉课程 communities for a virtual talk delivered to the University of Idaho by renowned scholar of history and international affairs, 斯蒂芬·科特金教授(普林斯顿大学), at 3-5 p.m. 4月26日,周二,tlc050. 科特金教授的演讲题目是乌克兰、俄罗斯、中国和世界,而且时机再好不过了. This event is delivered virtually in TCL 050 and the audience can interact with the guest speaker via the Zoom technology in the room.

演讲结束后,从下午4点半到5点.m., students and audience members will have a chance to chat about the talk with Dr. 艾琳·达曼(国际研究项目, 和教师杰出奖学金计划, 365滚球官网)和享受小吃.


Come support the Honors students who are completing their Honors thesis this semester! 荣誉论文报告向公众开放,免费.

克里斯托弗黄平君: "Examination of the Variables Linking the Economy and Stock Market After a Financial Recession”

  • 日期/时间: 9 a.m. 2022年5月9日,周一
  • 位置IRIC阶梯礼堂


  • 日期/时间: 2 p.m. 2022年5月9日,周一
  • 位置IRIC阶梯礼堂

美琳娜利特克: “Genetic Monitoring of Sonoran Pronghorn (Antilocapra Americana sonoriensis)”

  • 日期/时间: TBD
  • 位置: TBD



希望能和我们见面接受荣誉课程的学术指导? 电子邮件 honors@020sashuiche.com 安排一个约会.



荣誉课程的学生下午3点开始注册.m. 4月13日星期三.

在注册荣誉课程时遇到麻烦? 电子邮件 honors@020sashuiche.com 寻求帮助.



提交你的作品至 魔镜. 他们接受艺术、摄影、诗歌、短篇小说、研究等.,并正在寻找人们提交他们的创意和学术作品! 提交你的作品,连同 这种形式, to honors@020sashuiche.com 在即将到来的版本中被考虑.


We are looking for students to represent the 大学荣誉课程 at recruiting events! Serving as an Honors Student Ambassador for two semesters is an approved Engaged Learning Experience.

If you have a semester under your belt at the University of Idaho and are interested in the opportunity to become an Honors Student Ambassador, 电子邮件 honors@020sashuiche.com.



有兴趣学习阿拉伯语、汉语或俄语? CLS火花是美国的一个试点虚拟计划.S. undergraduate students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world. Designed to leverage best practices in online language learning developed by the CLS Program during the pandemic, CLS火花 provides American students the access and opportunity to start their language learning journeys even when these critical languages may not be offered on their campuses or when they may have responsibilities that limit their ability to go overseas. 参与者将花一学年的时间学习阿拉伯语, Chinese or Russian through online classes and activities facilitated by native speakers at a host institution abroad.

美国的一个项目.S. 国务院教育和文化事务局, 关键语言奖学金(CLS)计划和CLS火花是美国的一个项目.S. government initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages that are critical to national security and economic prosperity.


申请截止时间是下午5点.m. 太平洋时间2022年5月26日星期四.

如果你对这个机会感兴趣,请联系Dr. 欲了解更多详情,请访问 dsp@020sashuiche.com.



CLS火花是美国的一个试点虚拟计划.S. undergraduate students to learn languages essential to America’s engagement with the world. Designed to leverage best practices in online language learning developed by the CLS Program during the pandemic, CLS火花 provides American students the access and opportunity to start their language learning journeys even when these critical languages may not be offered on their campuses or when they may have responsibilities that limit their ability to go overseas. 参与者将花一学年的时间学习阿拉伯语, Chinese or Russian through online classes and activities facilitated by native speakers at a host institution abroad. Participants in CLS火花 will receive automatic consideration as semifinalists for the CLS Program’s 2023 overseas summer institutes, 如果他们选择申请的话.

网站: clscholarship.org/spark; 基础的最后期限: May 26, 2022


Full-cost scholarship for 1 year of post-bachelor’s degree research or study in any discipline offered at any university in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. 申请人必须是.S. 公民, 在作为米切尔365滚球官网开始学习之前已经获得学士学位, 10月18日至29岁. 1.

网站: us-irelandalliance.org/scholarships.html; 校园的最后期限: 8月. 26, 2022; 基础的最后期限: 9月. 30, 2022

富布赖特U.S. 学生项目

在美国以外的参与国家提供全额赠款.S. for individually designed study/research projects or for English Teaching Assistant Programs. 申请人必须是.S. 公民, 在获得资助前已取得学士学位, 并精通所在国的语言, 如果需要. 大学必须评估候选人.

网站: fulbrightonline.org/; 校园的最后期限: 9月. 6, 2022; 基础的最后期限: 10月. 11, 2022


Full-cost scholarship for one-year master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing in one of three disciplines: public policy, 经济与商业, 国际研究. 所有课程将用英语授课. Applicants must have demonstrated academic excellence and leadership potential and be at least 18 but not yet 28 years of age. 没有公民身份或国籍要求.

网站: schwarzmanscholars.org/; 基础的最后期限: 9月. 20, 2022


Are you interested in learning more about the 杰出的奖学金 Program and identifying prestigious scholarship opportunities that may fit your interests and qualifications? 如果是这样,请随时联系项目协调员,博士. 该死,从中午到下午三点.m. ISUB 321周三开放办公时间. 了解更多关于杰出奖学金计划 或电邮Dr。. 达曼, dsp@020sashuiche.com.



The McNair Scholar program is for low-income first generation and/or underrepresented students who are interested in pursuing graduate school. McNair Scholars receive resources and tools to successfully continue in graduate degree programs. 其中的一些好处包括:

  • 研究经验
  • 教师指导
  • 为研究生和博士学习做准备
  • 夏季实习机会
  • 介绍文化响应研究
  • 以土著教学法为基础的讲习班
  • 研究生入学技能

申请成为麦克奈尔365滚球官网的截止日期是 周五,2022年4月29日.


应用程序 for the IHHE 研究 and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) mini-grant awards for 2022 are being accepted until the deadline of 5 p.m. 2022年5月4日,星期三.

Eligibility: U of I undergraduate students must be enrolled full time in any major. Qualified students must have completed coursework for the first year of their majors, 至少有16个学分的stem基础课程.

Award and Conditions: Awards consist of $500 or $1,000 to support research projects. 我们计划提供10个500美元的奖项和5个1000美元的奖项.

Applicants must be working with a faculty or industry mentor to develop and submit a research proposal focused on plant, 动物或人类健康复杂, 生态系统管理. 而应用程序必须与此主题广泛相关, 我们将考虑来自STEM任何领域的申请. The award can support a project to be conducted during summer 2022 or fall 2022.

Awards may be used to support research (supplies, instrument time, travel to field sites, etc.) but cannot be used to support travel to conferences for research presentations (for this we direct you to the Office of Undergraduate 研究 travel grant program).


Are you a student with strong academic performance who wants to help your peers succeed? The SI-PASS (Supplemental Instruction-Peer Assisted Study Sessions) program is recruiting SI-PASS Leaders for the Fall 2022 semester! This is a great opportunity for you to get paid to provide academic support to your peers in challenging courses, 与教师建立伙伴关系, 并在365滚球官网担任重要职务,从而获得领导技能. 以下是一些资格要求:

  • 总绩点3.0或以上
  • 所选课程成绩为A或B
  • 整个学期的承诺和参加支持课程的能力
  • 优秀的人际交往和沟通能力
  • 热情为学生提供学术支持


  • 尖刺外壳100
  • 生物114,生物115,生物227
  • CS 120
  • 143, 160, 170
  • 统计251

您可以申请握手:SI-PASS领导职位. 优先截止日期为 4月15日星期五,所以尽快申请才会被考虑!

MS 2533

电子邮件: honors@020sashuiche.com