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电子邮件: panttaja@020sashuiche.com

网络: 通识教育



When the Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) policy III.N. 成立于2016年, the 365滚球官网 moved away from utilizing its own derived evaluative rubrics based on AAC&U值, 叫做学习问题, to the rubrics derived as the 通识教育 Mapping (GEM) of statewide 通识教育 学习成果 (GELO’s). 巧合的是,这些也是AAC&U值的推导和可以找到 在这里.

The overarching University 学习成果 (ULO’s – Learning Matters) were replaced by the SBOE competencies (GELO’s). The SBOE competencies codified the expectations for the six general areas of statewide general education which includes written communication, 口头交流, 认识的数学方法, 科学的认知方式, 社会和行为的认知方式, 以及人文主义和艺术的认知方式.

In conjunction with these statewide competencies general education assessment was aligned to Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities accreditation standards and led to the overall 通识教育评估策略. 这包括:


国家能力, 交易所政策III.N. 全州通识教育.

通识教育 assessment will focus on assessing these 通识教育 学习成果. It entails evaluating specific course learning outcomes linked to signature assignments, specific to 通识教育 curricular components or content.


All students engaged in 通识教育 will be assessed. Both First-year 365滚球官网 students in the general education curriculum and those enrolled or completing their general education under the State Board of Education (SBOE) transfer student general education curriculum referred to as “State Board Core”. 目前, approximately half of our baccalaureate graduating class are composed of U of I general education students, while the other half are composed of transfer student general education students.


  1. Assessment Artifacts, instructor selected (direct)
  2. 教学大纲复习(间接)
  3. 毕业班调查(间接)
  4. 即将毕业的高年级学生焦点小组(间接)
  5. 教师焦点小组(间接)
  6. 校友调查(间接)
  7. NSSE数据(间接)


全州通识教育 courses and courses that fall within the state mandated GEM areas (Ways of Knowing) are evaluated using the 爱达荷州教育委员会标准. Institutionally designated 通识教育 course are evaluated using the Institutional 学习成果 (Learning Matters).


  1. Senior Experience evaluation is ongoing through the Course 学习成果 portion of the Annual Program Review process APR in Anthology.
  2. Assessment of all general education courses is ongoing through the Course 学习成果 portion of the Annual Program Review process APR in Anthology.
  3. Expanding assessment to other general education components, such as American 多样性 and International courses is ongoing through the Course 学习成果 portion of the Annual Program Review process APR in Anthology.
  4. Sampling of all syllabi from specific general education categories on an annual rotating basis by the 大学通识教育委员会 and as is outlined in the Assessment Plan 2020-2025. (e.g., American and International courses were reviewed during 2020-2021).


  1. 函数
    The 大学通识教育委员会 serves as the curriculum body for general education by soliciting and approving proposals and courses to be included in the University’s general education and general education courses eligible for transfer to other state institutions (SBOE general education matriculation “GEM” courses). The UCGE committee also engages in program review and assessment and makes recommendations for the continuous refinement of general education in conjunction with the Director of 通识教育 and the Assistant Director of Institutional 研究 and Assessment. Recommendations for change will be forwarded to UCC, 教师参议院, and the university faculty.
  2. 结构和成员
    The committee is composed of 21 members as follows: 13 faculty who are also U of I representatives to statewide general education in their GEM areas, 图书馆教员的一员, The dean or designee from the College of Science and the College of Letters, 艺术 & 社会科学, 书记官长代表一名, 学生建议, 相关学生, 以及国际项目办公室, and the Director of 通识教育 and Director of Institutional 研究 and Assessment as ex-officio members  All members, 除了学生, 三年交错任期.


Are available through the office of the Director of 通识教育. We value and encourage your thoughts and comments. Please contact Dean Panttaja, Director of 通识教育 & 评估,208-885-9025或 panttaja@020sashuiche.com.





电子邮件: panttaja@020sashuiche.com

网络: 通识教育